Give Forward – Create a webpage to raise funds through individual donations. Can be linked to email and social media like Facebook.
Give Forward – Create a webpage to raise funds through individual donations. Can be linked to email and social media like Facebook.
Cancer Care, Inc. can sometimes provide a stipend and assist with co-payments/deductibles/fuel costs/prostheses. Applicants are required to complete a brief telephone questionnaire. An application will be mailed for completion.
Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition – A great starting place for searching for financial assistance. This website is a searchable database of cancer organizations by diagnosis and type of assistance.
Community Action Program is committed to vitalizing these individuals, these families and these neighborhoods by rallying community resources and support around the most impoverished of our citizens. Tapping their potential… read more //
Catholic Charities – This organization doesn’t always have funds, but they can sometimes assist with rent and utilities.
St. Joan of Arc Outreach Fund committee meets with clients who have expressed financial need via telephone or in-person request. This agency has an allotted amount of funds to disperse… read more //
Hugs and Kisses – A 501(c)(3) non-profit charity that raises funds for cancer patients in desperate financial need. Their goal is to help more cancer patients receive treatment on time… read more //
Friends In Pink – An organization dedicated to providing financial assistance to individuals who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are uninsured or underinsured.
Connie Foundation – The Connie J. Goodale Breast Cancer Foundation is a unique South Florida organization whose mission is to raise money to assist women suffering from breast cancer who… read more //
Cancer Alliance of Help and Hope – A grassroots, volunteer-governed charitable organization, dedicated to improving the quality of life of local individuals and their families who are touched by cancer,… read more //